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Now it's getting exciting: Who will win the #jetztklimachen award? Many Stuttgart residents have sent us projects that should make our city a better place to live. With so much commitment, one thing is already certain: a win for Stuttgart, for the climate, for us!


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What's next?

Selection of the three winning projects

The jury will evaluate all submitted applications until mid-September and select the winning projects.

Who selects?

Our jury

The jury is made up of five experts from different fields (see below). They decide which climate protection projects win the #jetztklimachen award - according to criteria such as impact, creativity, scalability, sustainability and social aspects.

When is the award ceremony?

On September 22, 2023 in Stuttgart

The #jetztklimachen award ceremony will take place on September 22, 2023 at 8:00 pm at Studio Amore in Stuttgart - as part of the 2nd Long Night of Sustainability.
All applicants and interested parties are cordially invited to the award ceremony, to network and learn from each other!

Directly afterwards, for all those who want to celebrate climate protection in Stuttgart together, the #turntables4Future will take place: starting at 9:00 pm at Studio Amore with DJ Dexter.


Here to the participation guidelines

Our jury

The following experts from different fields will decide,
which climate protection projects will win the #jetztklimachen-preis.

Timo Hildebrand
Plant Based Food Botschafter und ehemaliger Nationaltorwart
Karoline von Graevenitz
Pressesprecherin bei den Stadtwerken Stuttgart
Steffen Braun
Zukunftsstadtgestalter und Institutsdirektor am Fraunhofer IAO
Yotrana Youkhana
Sachgebietsleiterin Förderung Bürgerschaftliches Engagement bei der LHS
Steffen Lindenmaier
Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragter des VfB Stuttgart
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