Sustainability in the media industry - for example, minimum ecological standards in film production - is a topic that has rarely been discussed. However, students at Stuttgart Media University (HdM) now have the opportunity to focus on this topic.

Since the summer of 2022, the HdM has been pooling expertise on sustainability issues in the media sector in the Sustainable Media Institute (SUMI) and developing new concepts to communicate these to students, companies and society.

Ten professors from five different courses of study represent different perspectives on sustainability aspects in the media industry. With the "Sustainable Media Institute" they want to achieve more sustainability in the media industry, from conception to production and distribution as well as in the interaction of and with media.

In the meantime, several scientific publications have been produced - such as the book "Green Nudging in E-Commerce", a bachelor thesis on the CO2 footprint of websites and bachelor theses on sustainable film and television production. You can find more information here: