Open space design in cities like Stuttgart - there is a lot of potential here, towards more sustainable and climate-friendly urbanities.

Landscape architects play a crucial role in this by planning and designing green spaces and parks that contribute to improving the urban climate. Trees and plants naturally help to improve air quality and reduce temperatures in the city. In addition, green spaces can also help reduce noise levels and improve people's quality of life.

In Stuttgart, for example, the Department of Open Space Design at the Institute of Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart is working on such projects. Here you can get an overview of this field:

The team around Prof. Ulrike Böhm and Dipl.-Ing. Anna Vogels provides a lot of inspiration for a sustainable and climate-friendly design of urban space with its projects and publications. We would like to refer to the book "Grüne Infrastruktur - Von Grau zu Grün" (Green Infrastructure - From Gray to Green).

Have a look... and maybe you will decide to study at the University of Stuttgart and help to develop future green landscape architecture projects.