The best thing about barbecuing is not always the food - but spending time together. What stresses me out, however, is when the plastic waste piles up next to the grill and vast amounts of meat and cheese are eaten. But BBQ can also be sustainable.

In Stuttgart, you don't even need to have your own grill to enjoy a barbecue. There are several forest barbecue areas that can be used free of charge by the public. The barbecue areas are not only beautifully located, they are also so large that two to three groups can comfortably barbecue at the same time without getting in each other's way or "accidentally" stealing the sausage from the neighbor ;) Here you can find an overview with all forest barbecue sites in Stuttgart: Grillplätze | Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart

To get the fire going, you can use dry pine cones and waste paper as kindling. When it comes to charcoal, I make sure that it has an FSC seal. The Forest Stewardship Council stands for sustainable management of forests.

3. there are now countless vegan barbecue alternatives, through which you can also experience as a vegan:in the one or other BBQ highlight. Since these also come in plastic packaging, you should of course not eat too much of it and instead prefer to sauté more vegetables and rely on many salads or (my favorite) homemade garlic baguette.

What do you pay attention to when grilling? Have I forgotten anything important? Or would you do something differently?