Why make your own shower gel?

There are many great natural cosmetic brands that offer great smelling, vegan shower gels without microplastics or animal testing. Unfortunately, however, these are still often packaged in plastic. Shower gel without plastic usually comes in soap form (for example, available in the highly recommended unpackaged drugstore Ohne PlaPla in the center of Stuttgart). However, I have unfortunately not yet found the right thing for me - after all, every skin has different needs. That's why I've been making my own shower gel for over a year now and I'm thrilled with how well it works.

Here's how it works:

Ingredients: 30-40gr natural soap (I prefer olive oil soap), 400 ml water, about 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (I prefer olive oil), a few drops of tea tree oil, a few drops of essential oil with fragrance of your choice, some cornstarch, tea leaves of your choice (especially good for the skin are nettle, chamomile and lavender).

Step 1: Grate the natural soap with a kitchen grater until it is very small.

Step 2: In a pot, boil the water with the tea leaves. Use a tea strainer or remove the tea leaves afterwards.

Step 3: Pour the tea water into a pot and add the soap over medium heat. (Note: Use a large pot, because the soap can foam up a lot in the meantime).

Step 4: Stir the lye until all the soap pieces have dissolved. Then add the vegetable oil, tea tree oil and essential oil.

Step 5: In the last step, you can add some cornstarch to thicken the shower gel. Note: The actual consistency of the shower gel will only show after a few hours, when it is completely cooled down. Before that, it will appear much more liquid. Therefore, it is better not to use too much cornstarch.

Fill your shower gel into clean glasses.

Have fun with the application!