Event date
27.02.2024 19:30 - 27.02.2024 21:00


We have discovered an interesting event for you at the vhs Stuttgart on February 27, 2024:

A livestream (via Zoom) with the question: How do we design liveable cities of tomorrow?

The whole thing is taking place as part of the focus topic "Europe - living together, learning from each other".

The vhs writes: "More and more people around the world are living in cities. In Germany, three out of four inhabitants already live in cities and their urban neighborhoods. Urban structures have a significant influence on the way we move around. A change in mobility behavior, urban planning and technological innovations must go hand in hand in order to develop expanded mobility options and a new mobility culture.

How can we create real choices and develop urban spaces into living spaces that can be used in a variety of ways? Because urban spaces not only have an impact on climate and sustainability, but also fulfill aspects of social justice."

The speaker Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus J. Beckmann is an urban and transport planner. He headed the Institute of Urban Affairs in Berlin and is a member of acatech - the German Academy of Science and Engineering. The event is being held in cooperation with acatech.

Further information and the registration link can be found here: https://vhs-stuttgart.de/programmschwerpunkt-fruehling-sommer/kurs/Wie-gestalten-wir-lebenswerte-Staedte-von-morgen-Livestream-vhs-wissenlive/241-17080#inhalt

Image credit: Nick Stäbler with eu.region-stuttgart.de/abk - via vhs Stuttgart