Event date
12.10.2022 16:00 - 12.10.2022 18:00

Citizen Long
Am Fruchtkasten 3
70173 Stuttgart, Germany

Hello dear climate protection community,

Photovoltaics cover open spaces or the large roofs of farms, barns or single-family homes. The rotors of large wind farms rise into the sky mainly in sparsely populated areas or off the coasts. And reservoirs for hydropower, biomass or geothermal energy also play a role almost exclusively in rural areas. Cities contribute comparatively little to the switch to a supply from renewable energy sources, while at the same time a large proportion of primary energy is consumed here. We therefore pose the questions: What paths will the energy transition take in the city? How can cities respond to climate change?

Our keynote speaker:

Dr. Arwen Colell, political scientist, co-founder of BürgerEnergie Berlin and CPO of decarbon1ze GmbH will give the keynote and address the question of how society can be a driver for energy transition and climate protection.

Our workshop initiators:

Leon Trippel knows a lot about balcony power plants, heat pumps and energy communities - the co-founder of CoBenefit UG gives us an insight into his work and reveals how we can shape the energy transition in the city together.
Stefan Schneider from Netze BW knows how to produce electricity even without owning a house. He is working on the future of tenants' electricity with the StromLux products and will tell us about opportunities, risks and the current market situation.
Creating networks together for the energy transition and climate protection - that is the task of Karolina Kleiner from DPS IT. She will introduce us to the Stuttgart Climate Community and show how everyone can get involved.

The venue
This time we will meet at OutofOffice, Am Fruchtkasten 3, in 70173 Stuttgart. Drinks and catering will be provided.

Click here to go directly to the registration
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at kontakt@energie-klimaschutz.de!

By the way: The Urban Home Talks are a climate-neutral event and we look forward to seeing you there!

The Energy & Climate Protection Foundation Team