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Welcome on the Klima-Community

We put great importance to data protection and therefore use the data you provide to us with upmost care. You can handle the data you provide to us in your personal dashboard. You will find our complete regulations on data protection and clarification of your rights in our privacy notice. By using the website and its offers and navigating further, you accept the regulations of our privacy notice and terms and conditions.


Community Guidelines

How to use the Klima Community for reaching out to other citizens or entities concerned about the climate in our city:

The Klima Community is designed to ease the path towards becoming a smarter and more sustainable city and facilitate dialogues around accessible, affordable and sustainable urban solutions to achieve Stuttgart’s climate neutrality goal. The platform helps you connect with a growing community of representatives from the city, such as its citizens, local companies and other interested organizations.

The Klima Community is made of amazing people that are passionate about improving the climate of our city. To enable a great experience for this community we have set-up seven simple principles:

  1. Be open: tell us and the rest of the community about your own experiences. Create posts about your initiatives or projects, what your ideas to improve the city are and what challenges you face.
  2. Tell a story: people learn best from success stories: make sure you tell great and insightful stories about your past achievements to spark the interest in your activities.
  3. Let people find you: Don’t spam other community members with personal messages if they do not reply – rather create Posts to inform a wider audience about ideas, initiatives, new content or opportunities to engage for more impact.
  4. Be responsive: reply with comments to the posts of others to engage with them in productive dialogues and create the basis for further development and increase the impact of other’s initiatives.
  5. Challenge the community: ask questions that really matter to enhancing the climate in cities and lead own dialogues around them.
  6. Be reliable: it’s not necessarily about the quantity of your interactions but about steady and high-quality interactions. Let the community know about your progress and maintain contact with other community members.
  7. Make the most of the resources available: learn from others through personal tips, understand what possibilities exist and are available for you through Offers, get to know others and join discussions in Posts, and look for new opportunities or achievements in Projects.
  8. We are an open and inclusive community, politically neutral and against any discriminative behavior.
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