In a world that is increasingly affected by environmental problems such as climate change, young people are faced with the challenge of finding sustainable solutions for a sustainable future. One approach that is becoming increasingly important is the circular economy.

What is the circular economy?

The circular economy is an economic model that aims to conserve resources, minimize waste and reduce environmental damage by keeping products, materials and resources in circulation for as long as possible.

Why is this important for young people?

  1. Climate protection: The manufacture and disposal of products cause a considerable CO2 footprint. By switching to a circular economy, we can reduce the consumption of natural resources and thus also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn helps to protect our climate.
  2. Sustainability: The circular economy promotes the use of renewable energy, the use of recycled materials and the recycling of products. This helps to minimize the environmental impact of our consumption and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.
  3. Innovation: The transition to a circular economy requires innovative solutions and technologies. Young people, who grow up with new ideas and fresh thinking, play a crucial role in developing and implementing these innovations.
  4. Sustainability: By committing to a circular economy and implementing these principles in their daily lives, young people are laying the foundations for a sustainable economy and society that is in harmony with the natural limits of our planet.


The circular economy offers a promising opportunity to tackle the challenges of climate change and build a more sustainable future. Young people have a crucial role to play by championing this innovative economic model and actively participating in shaping a sustainable future.

Let's promote the circular economy together and protect our planet for future generations!

More info here:

Youth Voices on Circular Economy | European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (

Why the circular economy is so important -

Putting young people at the center of the circular economy (