Hinweis zum Datenschutz

Willkommen bei der Klima-Community

Wir legen großen Wert auf Datenschutz und gehen daher mit den Daten, die du uns zur Verfügung stellst, sehr sorgfältig um. Du kannst die Daten, die du uns zur Verfügung stellst, in deinem persönlichen Dashboard verwalten. Unsere vollständigen Bestimmungen zum Datenschutz und zur Klärung deiner Rechte findest du in unserer Datenschutzhinweis. Indem du die Website und ihre Angebote nutzt, akzeptierst du die Bestimmungen unserer Datenschutzhinweise und Geschäftsbedingungen.


Welcome to the Stuttgart Climate Community

We created the Stuttgart Climate Community to bring all citizens together in the fight against climate change. Become active in our community, inspire others and get inspired by the best ideas to tackle climate change on your own, with others in your neighborhood or with organizations. This platform for the Stuttgart Climate Community is funded by the Stuttgart Climate Innovation Fund.
The best way you can support the Stuttgart Climate Community is by becoming a member yourself. If you want to share a life hack, event or similar, go for it! We are always happy to receive contributions.


Sign up

Stuttgart Klima-Community

Mach mit bei der Klima-Community und entdecke, wie man das Klima hacken kann. Teile deine eigenen Hacks mit deinen Nachbarn und hilf mit, Stuttgart zu einem grüneren Ort zum Leben zu machen!

Finde Hacks für:


Savings and help


Ostereier natürlich färben



Avocado: Alternative zur "Frucht, die alles frisst"




Buchempfehlung: "Welche Rechte braucht die Natur?"




Support für Klimaschutz-Projekte aus der Nachbarschaft





Urban Farming Komponenten für mehr Pflanzen an mehr Orten



Insektenfreundliche Straßenbeleuchtung






Hochbeete für Schule, Unternehmen und Organisationen



Stadtmobil für Firmen

What is the Climate Community?

The Climate Community is a platform where everyone is welcome to exchange ideas on the topic of climate protection and sustainability. The focus is on the Stuttgart area, but we are also happy if the view goes beyond the edge of the cauldron. Both private individuals and organizations can create a profile free of charge and get in touch with each other. You will find a variety of offers, life hacks and events on the platform. Feel free to share your knowledge or ask questions in the community - because the platform lives from and with you!

Who is behind the Climate Community?

Klima-Community Stuttgart e.V. is a non-profit project supported by the Stuttgart Climate Innovation Fund of the City of Stuttgart. The strategic and technical implementation is carried out by the companies DPS Innovations GmbH and BABLE GmbH. You can find out more about it at About Us.

Supporting members

Learn more about all supporting members. See all →

The latest news

Learn more about all climate initiatives currently taking place. See all news →
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