Digitization is making its way into our lives everywhere, and has been for some time. The advantages are obvious - because digitization allows location-independent access to information, and networks and automates processes. It is therefore ideally suited to help save resources if resources are used wisely and prudently. A practical example? In a matter of seconds, we can calculate which means of public transport will get us home at the lowest cost and with the lowest CO2 emissions, for example, or we can use apps to track our carbon footprint. It can do a lot more - but at the same time it also has aspects that need to be looked at critically in the field of sustainability.

That's why we're happy to devote February to the topic of digitization and sustainability! You can look forward to blog articles, tips and expert interviews - and feel free to give us your input:

Have you always wanted to know how sustainable cloud computing is and how coding can help combat the climate crisis? Feel free to send us your ideas, wishes and suggestions!