In cooperation with local adult education centers, the WWF offers the "Klimafit" course in several cities throughout Germany - including Stuttgart, which is why we at Klima Community e.V. asked the course instructor, Laura Gerstlauer, directly what the course is all about. Let's go!

  1. Ms. Gerstlauer, what exactly is behind your VHS "klimafit" program?
    The course "klimafit - Klimawandel vor der Haustür! What can I do?" takes a closer look at the effects of climate change in the region and the and the possibilities of counteracting climate change at the regional level. the focus.
    The focus here is on networking:
    On the one hand, the networking of current and scientific basic knowledge with concrete recommendations for action.
    On the other hand, the networking of the course participants with each other as well as with actors in climate protection on site and with the scientific community.
    For this purpose, on-site course units are combined with online expert talks with climate researchers, and the participants also get to know climate protection get to know climate protection actors and initiatives from the region. get to know each other.
    The course was developed by the Helmholtz Association for Regional Climate Change (REKLIM) and the WWF Germany and is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative by the BMUV. Through the it is possible to offer the course for a participation fee of fee of 20 Euros and thus to make the course affordable. make the course affordable.

  1. Who are the people you meet there and what do you think is the reason for them to participate?
    The participants in the course and their motivation for attending "klimafit" are diverse. "klimafit" are diverse. Most of the time, the motivation is a combination of an interest in acquiring in-depth knowledge of climate change and the knowledge about climate change and the desire to live more sustainably and to and to get involved in local climate protection. Some already have a knowledge and would like to be inspired further, others are still relatively new to the field. are still relatively new to the field. Working together in a group of to make a contribution to climate protection is the common denominator. is the common denominator - everyone is welcome at "klimafit"! welcome!

  1. When will the next course take place?
    The "klimafit" course takes place every year in spring, in the months March until the end of May. In addition to the course at vhs Stuttgart, it takes place at many many other vhs locations throughout Germany.

We from Klima Community e.V. find the offer great and also that the objectives overlap with our project here on the platform! Ms. Gerstlauer is also present here - if you have any questions. And the great thing is that you will automatically be informed here when the next course is taking place, so you might be able to join it!